SMARTS Student Admissions Policy
Classes at SMARTS provide students with a quality arts education. The following information ensures that classes are a positive and productive learning experience for all students.
All SMARTS Classes must fill to 50% capacity in order to run.
Enrollment. To become a SMARTS student, parents/guardians must submit an application for each child on the SMARTS website at www.smartsartschool.org/classes. Applications for classes are accepted year-round. When classes are available, students with applications on file be contacted by e-mail before classes begin. Classes are filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. A waiting list is created if a class is filled. Students are contacted in order from the waiting list if a spot in the class becomes available. The next time classes are offered, students on the waiting list are given first priority. Students without current applications on file may not take classes at SMARTS until an application is completed.
Attendance. If for some reason you know that your student cannot attend one of his/her scheduled classes, you must call 330-574-2787 to notify SMARTS of an approved absence. Students who miss more than two classes without notifying SMARTS will be asked to withdraw from this session of SMARTS classes, giving another student the opportunity to participate. SMARTS students are expected to arrive on time for their classes. Students who are more than 15 minutes late to class will not be allowed to participate that day. Students are expected to attend the entire class.
Procedures. Parents/guardians are responsible for signing out SMARTS students when they are picked up. Students must be picked up on time. If other arrangements are necessary, they must be worked out with SMARTS staff. Parents are not permitted in classrooms without permission of SMARTS Staff. Parents are permitted to wait for their child/children in the SMARTS Family Waiting Area during classes, or children may be dropped off. Cell phones, handheld video games, hats, food, drinks, or gum are not allowed in the classrooms.
Behavior. Students are expected to respect teachers, staff, classmates and the SMARTS Facility at all times. If a student’s behavior disrupts class or creates a safety problem, the following will occur.
1st offense: Warning
2nd offense: Conference with parents
3rd offense: Removal from class and withdrawal from SMARTS student rotation for one semester.
Music Lessons. Students who take SMARTS music lessons are expected to practice a minimum one hour a week and record these hours on their practice card. Students interested in piano and violin are placed on a case by case basis. Piano and violin are year-long classes.
Facility and Parking. SMARTS is a first floor, handicapped-accessible, secure facility with a curb cutout and 30-minute loading zone outside our main entrance. Public metered parking is available on nearby streets as well as public parking garages. Find parking options here: https://www.parkme.com/youngstown-oh-parking.
Family Waiting Area. In most cases, families are not expected to wait for their children during classes. If you choose to wait, SMARTS provides a waiting area for families with complimentary coffee, water, and free Wi-Fi. If your child uses any SMARTS books or activities in the waiting area, please monitor their activity and clean up the space for the next family. Students are encouraged to bring homework or materials to work on between classes.